Trading packs is a preferred method to get
rich in ArcheAge, how much it rewards depends mainly on two aspects, on the one
hand is the transport distance, on the other hand it dues to how many packs are
delivering to the same spot. As we all know, to complete the trade, you need to
take a trading pack and transport it across the world, you have your choice of
where to deliver the pack, but remember, the riskier and longer the route is,
the more you will get at last. However, there are many pirates staring at your
packs, they are addicted in stealing and much dangerous, so when you plan to
deliver to a spot, just go through a practice run to make sure your trade will
be secure.
You’d better choose a spot that is far away
and with few pack delivery, you can choose either your own home continent or a
foreign one, just depends upon yourself, as regards to this, Freedom Island is
a good choice for you, however, it’s covered with wars and pirates, you’d
better go with a good crew so you can minimize the risks. As a professional
player, you should be familiar with the war situation in each zone and find the
appropriate spot for your trade, just go in right after the war begins to die
down and the zone is about to recover peace.
Another good method is delivering trade
packs to enemy zones, you will get more rewards but it is more dangerous and riskier, you can create
a new character belongs to that faction and power leveling to 20, hand off the trade
pack from your previous one to this new one and it’s easy for the new one to
deliver on his alt. To do this, have both characters go to an out-of-the-way
area that will be free from any prying eyes, make the first character drop his
pack and log out, then log back in with the other character quickly to have him
pick the pack back up, certainly, I can’t say that it’s without its own risk,
just depend on yourself.
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