Each race has their own mounts in ArcheAge, Lilyut Horses for Nuian, Elks
for Elf, Snowlions for Firran and Leomorph for Harani. You can not only use
your mount for fast travel, but also you can summon it into the world to help
you combat, they can also be used to transport your Trade Packs quickly. There
are two ways for you to get a mount in general, through the mount-raising quest
line or buy from the merchants, you should raise and care for it making it grow
into an adult.
Your mount is like a dependent character in
game, it has its own health bar, stats, experience amount and level, it has low
level at first you get it, you can upgrade your mount in two ways, travel on it
and summon it into your combat then it will gain experience for a higher level.
The experience your mount gains in the combat dues to the level of the enemies,
if you are a team or a group, the experience it gets will reduce.
You can strengthen your mount by equipping
it with Masks, Saddles and Leg Armors, you can buy these armors from the stable
administrators or you can acquire better equipment by brushing copies, more
difficult the copy is, better equipment you will receive, when you are strong
enough, you can conquest the Auroria copy for 10 persons, then you can get more
excellent mount equipment, all those depend upon how you play the game.
Horses, elks and snowlions can carry two
characters for one time, so you can travel with another friend together, as the
owner, you are the main rider who control the mount, and you can dismount the
passengers at any time. If you need archeage gold for buying mount equipment, or you need some
items off the Auction House, head on to Mmogah for safe delivery, we will
offer you friendly service and helpful tips.
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